The Message of Hope and Determination
I stumbled upon the song “Lompatlah di Sini” by chance and was immediately struck by its powerful lyrics. As I listened, I couldn’t help but reflect on my own journey and the obstacles. The message of perseverance and determination resonated with me, reminding me of a particularly challenging time in my life when I was faced with a difficult decision. Indeed, as we journey through life, it’s not uncommon to encounter roadblocks and obstacles along the way. It’s easy to get discouraged and want to give up when things don’t go as planned. However, the song “Lompatlah di Sini” by JKT48 inspires us to keep pushing forward and pursuing our…
The Cost of Being Honest in A Corrupt Society
Being honest in a corrupt society can be a challenging and costly mission. From my personal experience, speaking the truth can often lead to backlash and ostracism from those who are content with the status quo. I remember an incident from my past experience when I was involved in a community project under a leader who abused his power for his own personal gain. It was a community project that was supposed to help the less fortunate, but the leader used it as an opportunity to build his own dynasty. Despite my discomfort with the situation, I felt pressure to stay silent and go along with the actions of my colleagues.…
How to Rebuild Your Life After a Breakup: Thrive on Your Own
It is never easy to be alone after a breakup. The agony of losing someone you care about may be overwhelming, and it might be difficult to imagine a future without them by your side. Despite the grief and heartbreaks, you can live and even grow on your own. Here are some ideas, from my own personal experiences, to help you get through this difficult phase and rebuild your life as a strong, independent individual. Take time to grieve It’s important to allow yourself the space and time to process your emotions and come to terms with the breakup. It’s okay to cry, to be angry, to feel lost.…
Things I Wish I Knew Earlier – Part 1
In my 20s, there has been much that I should be grateful for. The things that previously I regretted, but at the end turned out to be what I supposed to do instead. Aside, there are few things that proly turned out bad, that I couldn’t rewind to make the result a bit better. Lesson-learned, here are three things I wish I knew earlier, that you guys, could consider when taking every important decision in your life. Professional Internship Back then, when I was in college, I was sort of overwhelmed with the assignments the professor had given. I felt like there was no single moment I could breathe the…
Tidak Ada Masalah yang Terlalu Besar
Ketika ditanya apa masalah terbesarmu, pikiran ini langsung tertuju pada hal-hal yang tak kasat mata dan tentu saja tidak diketahui oleh khalayak ramai. Jika saja orang lain tahu, maka saya rasa itu bisa jadi bukan masalah terbesar saya saat ini. Sebab, saya masih punya keberanian untuk mengutarakan masalah tersebut kepada orang lain, meski ke orang terdekat sekalipun. Definisi masalah terbesar bagi saya adalah ketika saya tidak bisa menceritakan tentang itu barang satu kata pun. Cukup hanya Tuhan dan saya yang tahu. Ketika ditanya apakah mungkin masalah terbesar tersebut diselesaikan, maka jawabannya adalah sangat mungkin. Namun, lagi, definisi penyelesaian masalah terbesar versi saya bukanlah dengan menghilangkan seratus persen masalah tersebut. Melainkan…