Ways to be Heard and Seen
Saya pernah percaya bahwa menulis adalah cara yang paling baik untuk mengembangkan diri. Sebab, menulis membutuhkan proses berpikir yang logis, terstruktur, dan kritis, khususnya bagi mereka yang merasa kemampuan lisan mereka tidak begitu baik. Terlahir sebagai seorang pemalu, tidak banyak bicara, dan kecerdasan yang biasa-biasa saja membuat hidup saya tidak mulus dalam perjalanannya. Jika ditanya hal apa yang paling saya sesali dari kekurangan saya tadi, jawabannya adalah mengenai tidak dinaikkannya saya ke kelas 2 saat masih di bangku Sekolah Dasar. Ketidakmampuan saya membaca dan menulis disinyalir adalah biang keladinya. Beberapa tahun berlalu, saya berubah, dan versi terbaik yang bisa saya berikan adalah dengan belajar lebih giat. Di kelas 3, saya…
A Story of A Cup of Coffee, Biased Memory, and Logical Fallacy
Udara dingin dan gerimis yang sesekali turun tidak menghalangi saya dan beberapa teman lainnya untuk keluar dari V-Huset. Misi ini adalah untuk mendapatkan segelas kopi hangat dari vending machine yang tersedia di A-Huset, gedung sekolah Arsitektur yang lokasinya hanya terpisah oleh jalan setapak setelah V-Huset. Tidak butuh waktu lama, kedua tangan setengah beku saya sudah memegang papercup mungil yang terisi 3/4 kopi hangat di dalamnya. Walau tak bertahan lama, kehangatan sederhana ini masih saya nikmati sepenuhnya. Kebetulan, hari itu suhu masih belum bersahabat dengan musim semi yang seharusnya bisa lebih hangat. Setidaknya, bagi manusia beriklim tropis seperti saya, lima derajat celcius masih belum cukup layak disebut sebagai musim semi. “Bagaimana…
Uncovering The Truth of Quiet Quitting in The “Do Not Dream of Labour” Gen
Quiet quitting is a phenomenon where employees disengage from their work and stop participating in company activities before leaving without giving any formal notice. In today’s fast-paced and ever-changing job market, this type of behavior is becoming more common. The phenomenon is often observed among younger workers who may feel more empowered to leave a job that doesn’t meet their expectations. They may not express their dissatisfaction with their job or their intent to leave, which can be difficult for companies to detect and prevent. This can lead to losing valuable employees and the need to find and train replacements. In many cases, employees who engage in quiet quitting have…
The Cost of Being Honest in A Corrupt Society
Being honest in a corrupt society can be a challenging and costly mission. From my personal experience, speaking the truth can often lead to backlash and ostracism from those who are content with the status quo. I remember an incident from my past experience when I was involved in a community project under a leader who abused his power for his own personal gain. It was a community project that was supposed to help the less fortunate, but the leader used it as an opportunity to build his own dynasty. Despite my discomfort with the situation, I felt pressure to stay silent and go along with the actions of my colleagues.…
How to Rebuild Your Life After a Breakup: Thrive on Your Own
It is never easy to be alone after a breakup. The agony of losing someone you care about may be overwhelming, and it might be difficult to imagine a future without them by your side. Despite the grief and heartbreaks, you can live and even grow on your own. Here are some ideas, from my own personal experiences, to help you get through this difficult phase and rebuild your life as a strong, independent individual. Take time to grieve It’s important to allow yourself the space and time to process your emotions and come to terms with the breakup. It’s okay to cry, to be angry, to feel lost.…