The COVID-19 Story, the world doesn’t revolve around you
Thursday, the fifth day after being identified as positive, I developed another symptom that impairs my ability to taste and smell. This was terrible news as I didn’t feed myself adequately since day one due to a lack of appetite. What could have gone worse was that I still had no prescribed medication. Fortunately, my friend, whom I have to pay tribute to, provided me some of the generic drugs such as paracetamol, panadol (for headache relief), vitamins, and other supplies. When I told her about my condition, she immediately acted as if she were my twin, well she claimed it. Not only did she provide me the goods, but…
The COVID-19 Story, the worst is yet to come
The state of emergency for covid-19, also known as PPKM Darurat, was declared from July 3 until July 20, 2021. However, on Tuesday, the last day of PPKM Darurat, Indonesian President Joko Widodo announced on his official YouTube channel a five-day extension till July 25, 2021. The reason for this is that the number of covid-19 cases in Indonesia is rapidly increasing, and I was one of them contributing to the cases. My roommate developed severe symptoms on Friday, one day before PPKM Darurat was implemented. He wasn’t sure if those symptoms were likely to be Covid-19’s at first. As a result, he went off to work as usual. However,…
The Update of People, Pandemic, and Productivity
Everyone’s life has changed dramatically since early 2020. It was nothing serious when the Covid-19 hit Wuhan, China, and spread throughout the whole of China mainland. Even so, here, the virus was even taken into claimed-funny jokes by some people. One of them is that the virus was not supposed to survive in a tropical climate like Indonesia. That statement turned out to be completely wrong. Needless to say, just a few weeks after, that virus finally hit the country I’m currently living in as well as other neighboring countries. Most people started blaming the govt for not having clear prevention against the virus. Where in any part of the…
Kehidupan Jalanan Kota Surabaya
Kamis (4/10), saya kembali menjajal bus kota Surabaya setelah terakhir kali awal tahun 2017 (kalau tidak salah). Tidak ada perubahan berarti, kernet bus masih saling berebut penumpang, para porter yang masih saja memaksa, dan calo-calo ‘tak kasat mata’ yang silih berganti menghampiri penumpang yang baru turun. Di dalam bus, kursinya sobek-sobek, AC mati, ngetemnya super lama dan tidak lupa hiburan ala pengamen jalanan dengan suara merdunya turut mengiringi waktu tunggu. Walau aslinya sedikit menghibur, hawa panas di dalam bus seolah tak mengizinkan penumpang untuk menikmati musiknya. Kaca jendela yang dibiarkan terbuka pun jadi tak ada artinya, lah tidak ada anginnya. Penjaja asongan pun masih dengan bebasnya berkeliaran. Para pencari nafkah…
Long-lasting Jet Lag After 25H Flight
The 25h long-haul flight I flew from Porto-Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta-Banjarmasin was completely different compared to the one I took when leaving Indonesia. Not only because I, probably, already get used to it, but also the stories that I was carrying all the way to Indonesia by then. It felt like I was having my radio on while playing the setlist that I used to listen to. Beautiful melody from Portuguese group of TUNA, Umi-No Mieru Machi (one of Ghibli ost I listened to), some ballad songs from Fado (Portuguese group too), or other catchy latin songs that easily stick to my mind nowadays which made them familiar every time I went…