• Stories

    The Thing That Annoys Me Most in Sweden

    Sejak pertama kali menginjakan kaki di Swedia, hal tidak mengenakan ini sudah berdampak ke saya. Awalnya, saya acuhkan saja, hingga beberapa waktu belakangan, rasanya kok semakin menjadi-jadi. Berdasarkan beberapa riset yang saya baca, Swedia adalah salah satu negara paling aman di dunia. Tapi kali ini saya tidak setuju. Utamanya untuk aspek yang beberapa bulan ke belakang cukup mengganggu jesegaruan saya. Sebab, gara-gara hal tidak mengenakan ini, beberapa aktivitas jadi terganggu. Hal yang paling berdampak menurut saya adalah hilangnya fokus. Padahal, fokus bagi seorang mahasiswa seperti saya adalah segalanya. Tanpa fokus, saya tidak akan bisa belajar, tanpa belajar saya tidak akan bisa lulus, dan efek domino lainnya. Semua bermula ketika saya…

  • Stories

    Long-lasting Jet Lag After 25H Flight

    The 25h long-haul flight I flew from Porto-Amsterdam-Kuala Lumpur-Jakarta-Banjarmasin was completely different compared to the one I took when leaving Indonesia. Not only because I, probably, already get used to it, but also the stories that I was carrying all the way to Indonesia by then. It felt like I was having my radio on while playing the setlist that I used to listen to. Beautiful melody from Portuguese group of TUNA, Umi-No Mieru Machi (one of Ghibli ost I listened to), some ballad songs from Fado (Portuguese group too), or other catchy latin songs that easily stick to my mind nowadays which made them familiar every time I went…

  • English,  Stories

    My Renaissance – A Slight Intermezzo

    Supposed that this blog is like unused stuffs at home, perhaps it will has been dusty as thick as 5cm because of author’s untouched. That would be possibly to happen, former post in this blog was posted in 2013 that actually now it’s been 2014 guys. Just imagine that how dusty it is, haha ignore it. There are so many interesting things I should share to this lovely blog but I’m not ready yet caused by massive disturbance around me. Starting at the unable working of laptop, hacked blog, forgot the password, and last but not least is my long-lasting laziness in writing. Thus, I didn’t do hiatus officially at…