Your PayPal Account Access Has Been Restored
Setelah menunggu-nunggu sekitar 5 hari, dan mengomel-ngomel di blog ini, akhirnya PayPal saya terbebas juga dari label ‘limited’ yang menjengkelkan itu. Balancenya ga banyak sih tapi sayang aja kan kalo di innalillahin? Hoho..
Sebelum di Restore sempet juga dokumennya kena reject (bener ga yah?) dikarenakan nama di PayPal gak sama dengan yang di KTP palsu, tapi setelah ngerayu si CS PayPalnya akhirnya kesalahan saya bisa juga ditoleransi.
Date: Apr 7 2010
Subj: Your PayPal Account Access Has Been Restored
Hello Muhammad Ridha Tantowi,
Our review is complete and we have restored your account.
We appreciate your patience and thank you for your help in making PayPal the safest and most trusted online payment solution.
Please do not reply to this email. This mailbox is not monitored and you
will not receive a response. For assistance, log in to your PayPal account and click the Help link in the top right corner of any PayPal page.
Copyright c 1999-2010 PayPal. All rights reserved.
Begitulah kira-kira email pemberitahuan telah dibukanya account PayPal kita. Thanks buat temen-temen atas doanya! Semoga lain kali gak terulang lagi kejadian seperti ini.
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